Best Actress Runner Up Best Theatre Production



“Verde, Agua y Luna”

By María Estévez-Serrano after F.García Lorca plays and poems.

Estévez-Serrano and Gayol’s performance in the original Spanish lends the piece an intensity which illustrates the desperation and doom of the characters, Lorca and ultimately Spain. Highly recommended.
— Maureen Mckarkiel (Remote Goat) a poignant performance from Maria Estévez-Serrano, do we appreciate the nuances of her thirst for life through Lorca’s portrayal of women stifled by their constrained lives.
— Joanna Hetherington (The Spy in the Stalls)


The Bathhouse

by Mayakovsky

The actors, mostly English, play the whole thing adroitly (...) Maria Estevez-Serrano’s Underton, Pobedonosikov’s long-suffering secretary, offers a welcome touch of hysteria
— John Mackinnon (The Cultivation of Freedom)

A courageous, atmospheric, touchingly vulnerable and thoughtfully staged interpretation of Lorca’s Yerma...Maria Estevez-Serrano particularly shone, in this (laundress) and other supporting roles
— Rachel Knightley, (Remote Goat)


By Federico G. Lorca